Sunday, October 23, 2011

Quick Weight Loss Plan - Use This Weight Loss Exercise Program to Get Lean Sexy Curves

!±8± Quick Weight Loss Plan - Use This Weight Loss Exercise Program to Get Lean Sexy Curves

Here's a quick weight loss plan that involves using a simple weight loss exercise program to get some lean, sexy curves in less than 3 weeks. This is a simple plan that hundreds of my clients have used to reduce their waist sizes while losing fat from their butts and thighs. It works, so do it!

Quick Weight Loss Exercise Program

1. Use a mini-trampoline and jump on it for 2-3 minutes multiple times a day

If you're busy (we all are), then going to a gym usually isn't an option for you. In fact, it becomes a chore. But you still need to take care of yourself and your body. That's why I can't recommend the mini-trampoline enough.

Just plop it down in front of your tv in the living room and jump on it when you get a free moment or two. You may not have 15-30 minutes of free time, but I KNOW you have 2-3 minutes of free time often... and throughout the day.

So use those minutes to form the basis of your exercise program. Trust me, I've been doing this for years. It's pretty easy. It doesn't require any thought just as long as you put the mini-trampoline out in the open so that you don't forget about it. Out of sight, out of mind!

I personally use it during tv commercials. You can do that also or do it however you want. Just be sure to get a MINIMUM of 20 minutes on it each day. I don't count, but I probably get an easy 35-40 minutes of mini-trampoline jumping 6 days a week.

2. If your waist and hips are problem areas, use a hula hoop for more emphasis on them

The mini-trampoline will burn off calories from your belly, but the hula hoop targets the belly/hips area great for creating sexy feminine curves. There isn't much to say on this exercise. Just twirl a weighted hula hoop (easier to handle) for a total of 10 minutes a day.

Within a few weeks, you should see leaner, sexier curves in your hips and waist.

This is obviously a quick weight loss plan. This weight loss exercise program is easy and simple if you just take it 1-2 minutes at a time when you have a little bit of free time.

Quick Weight Loss Plan - Use This Weight Loss Exercise Program to Get Lean Sexy Curves

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Trampoline Maintenance - Extending Your Fun

!±8± Trampoline Maintenance - Extending Your Fun

Have you recently purchased a full-sized backyard trampoline for your family? Are you amazed at how much fun you are all having, getting some exercise and learning new trampoline tricks? Trampolines are one of the best pieces of equipment that you can buy if you're interested in spending more time together as a family, and getting more physically fit together. If you want to make sure that your trampoline is around for many years of fun to come, it's important to be well versed in the art of trampoline maintenance. This means understanding the best way to take care of all the different trampoline parts and accessories that might have been installed on your structure.

Just like many other things in life, a well maintained trampoline is the safest kind of trampoline. Any time you allow the quality of your trampoline parts to deteriorate, either because they're left out in inclement weather, or because the trampoline is being used improperly, you leave your friends and family members open to serious injury. It's important that you take care of your trampoline when it is stored outdoors, always checking for rust, breakages, and bent parts before you allow anyone to jump on it.

One of the most important trampoline accessories that you can use to keep your trampoline in top shape is a trampoline cover. This accessory is specially designed to fit all the way around the circumference of your trampoline frame, no matter whether it is a round, square, or rectangular structure. These covers are mostly weather proof, and will prevent water, sunlight, and debris from reaching your trampoline mat while the structure isn't in use. Keep in mind that most trampoline covers are meant to be used only on structures that don't have a trampoline net installed.

Something else that you'll want to have on hand to keep up with trampoline maintenance is trampoline springs. Because most modern trampoline still use heavy duty springs made out of galvanized steel, it's important to make sure that these trampoline parts aren't becoming worn or rusted over time. Just like you would with a chain on a bike, it's important to keep the springs well oiled so that they can remain responsive whenever people are jumping on the structure. If you notice that a spring has become stretched or bent in any way, it's a good idea to replace it as soon as possible. If you leave a damaged spring in place it means risking injury for your jumpers.

Trampoline Maintenance - Extending Your Fun

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